Ketu always represents subtle energies. It allows us to act according to our karma. Sometimes we may have to face the most powerful and dangerous deeds within us. It can be either individually or collectively. If seen, many people today, are facing a new astrological clash with Ketu. Its path is defined by the best astrologers in India.
Astronomically good astrologers, Rahu and Ketu mark the nodes of the Moon or points in the zodiac. On the basis of these, the eclipses of the Sun and the Moon take place. Surya Grahan occurs with any one node of the new moon. Chandra Grahan occurs with any one node of the full moon. Usually, the two sets of eclipses are about six months apart every year. It takes 27 days for the Moon to return to the same node again.
Vedic astrology describes Rahu mainly as the Saturn effect of subtle nature. It causes individual mental, emotional and neurological disorders. It also causes mass confusion, media distortions, epidemics, and confusion. However on the positive side! it can also bestow fame, healing power, and good karma.
Read more: राहु और केतु ग्रह का इंसान की लाइफ पर क्या प्रभाव पड़ता है ? क्या है इनका रहस्य
The Powerful Ketu

Ketu is mainly given Mars influence with some shades of Saturn. It leads to wrong judgment, self-negativity, isolation, hurt, etc. Along with this, the war also causes revolution, narrow, narrow, or fanatical ideas. Ketu represents the fields of mathematics, computers, research, and technology. The same Rahu represents media, entertainment, and the ability to influence the masses.
Ketu gives spirituality, liberation, and psychic insight including astrology. It is the most important planet in the chart to indicate self-realization. According to the chart, it is considered to have the most powerful, spiritual influence. Ketu may show physical or psychological rejection or transcendence towards death etc. It sometimes ends things hence it is also called “Terminator”.
Ketu changes the thoughts of the mind

Ketu bestows many qualities on a person. It gives inner strength to see without eyes, hear without ears and breathe. It is also considered a sign of great yogis and sages at the highest level. Despite this, Ketu at a lower level indicates forces of conflict, beliefs, and values. These reasons sometimes lead to violence and conflict.
If you try these remedies, Ketu will not be able to spoil anything for you

Feed dog and cow: Ketu is considered a shadow planet. It shows its effect without any physical form. For this, give food to dogs and cows of more than one color. Along with this, green fodder can also be fed to the red cow.
Uses of coal chunks: Every Tuesday, throw 8 pieces of coal in running water. Give food to red-colored ants. Along with this, donate clothes to the blind, leper, handicapped or needy.
Remove Inauspicious Effect: To remove the inauspicious effect of Ketu, worship Bhairavji. Offer them rice on a banana leaf. Always carry a green handkerchief with you. Worshiping the Peepal tree and worshiping the snake idol also prove beneficial.
Worshiping Ganesha: Worship and serve Ganesha daily. It remains calm by reciting Ganesh Dwadash Naam Stotra. Feed sweet bread to the dog daily under the Peepal tree. Donating Kapila cow, iron, sesame, oil, coconut, urad, etc. also brings peace to the planet Ketu. Ketu is also happy to serve the elders of your home.